CV, Education, and Publications


Here is a link to my current CV (updated 2024-05-23): TaylorJBell_CV.pdf


  • Postdoctoral Researcher, BAER Institute, NASA Ames (Mountain View, CA, USA), 2021/09 — Present


  • Ph.D. Physics, McGill University (Montréal, QC, CAN), 2016/09 — 2021/07
    • "Characterizing Ultra-hot Jupiters Through Theoretical Modelling and Precise Observations"
  • B.Sc. Honours Physics, University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, SK, CAN), 2012/09 — 2016/05
    • "Type II Cepheids - Investigating Binarity through Comparison with Single and Binary Star Populations in Milky Way Globular Clusters"

List of Publications

A list of my publications can be found on Google Scholar or on ADS.